Cruzimi impotriva animalelor
Here are photos of a dog that was shot in Harsova, and had his ears cut off for a reward from the city. We finally have the proof we have needed!
We need to get this out to the international media! Rob, please send it as a special alert, and also put it in the newsletter and on the website.
I need to get 7 dogs out of Harsova as soon as possible. They are grown dogs, and I would like for them to go to the UK if possible. Tamara, would this be possible? The person who sent me this information is afraid of the revenge the city will take on her and her dogs.
Thank you everyone for your help.
It is illegal to use a fire weapon in any city limits, also it is supposed to be illegal to kill the dogs!
Acestea sint fotografiile unui caine care a fost impuscat la Harsova cu urechile taiate pentru a primi o recompensa de la oras. Trebuie sa raportam acest lucru presei internationale! Trei caini au fost impuscati - ceilalti doi au murit in alta parte.
Multumesc tuturora pentru ajutor.
Este ilegal de a folosi arme in limitele orasului si este de asemena ilegal sa impusti caini!
Nancy Janes